Spokane Hot Rod Girls
Policies and Procedures
Local car clubs and businesses all work with the Spokane Hot Rod Association to bring the hot rods, classic cars, and street rods to the community, through events, shows, parades, and promotions.
The Spokane Hot Rod Association (SHRA) sponsors and oversees an all-volunteer female model team to help with positive public relations, in return for helping further their modeling career by promoting social media to the car enthusiasts.
During these events, the Spokane Hot Rod Girls (SHRGs) help represent the SHRA at the event by helping with the public contact, SHRA representation, photo opportunities and award / trophy presentations.
The Spokane Hot Rod Girls are a classy and conservative model team with all events structured with a family atmosphere in mind.
Each Spokane Hot Rod Girl shall:
⦁ Be a female at least 18 years of age that has been approved for membership by the majority approval of Selection Committee for the year.
⦁ Shall have no SHRA voting privileges.
⦁ Must agree in writing to abide by these policies and procedures.
⦁ All SHRG models will agree to the following “ Model Release “
I, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby irrevocably authorize the Spokane Hot Rod Association to use photographs of me and/or my property and authorize him/her/their and his/her/their assignees), licensees, legal representatives and transferees to use and publish (with or without my name ) photographs, pictures, portraits or images taken at SHRA sanctioned events, in any and all forms and media and in all manners including composite images or distorted representations, and the purposes of publicity, illustration, commercial art, advertising, publishing (including publishing in electronic form in CDs or internet websites).
I further waive any and all rights to review or approve any uses of the images, any written copy or finished product. I am of full legal age and have read and fully understand the terms of this release.
⦁ All photographers used in the SHRA activities and events shall maintain a positive image with the SHRA or may be removed from the event as directed by the SHRA Board. Photographers must be approved by the SHRA Board before being allowed to participate in an official SHRA capacity.
⦁ The photographers will be selected and given areas of responsibilities for each event by the Board.
⦁ All photos and other media will be used in a positive way to promote the SHRA and/or the models individual career.
⦁ Because of the direct involvement with car clubs, businesses and the public, all models will maintain a positive image while in SHRA uniform and/or in an official capacity, consistent with the needs of the SHRA.
⦁ All photos taken during non-SHRA activities, with the official Spokane Hot Rod Girls official uniforms shall automatically have consent to be used in the SHRA media.
⦁ Photos of the events remain property of the SHRA. Photographers and the SHRG Models are authorized to keep a copy of them, but must receive written permission from the Board to use them in non-SHRA media.
⦁ SHRG members may use pictures of themselves in their own social media, without written permission as long as it isn’t for commercial purposes.
⦁ A SHRG will remain on the team for one year, January 1st – December 31st.
⦁ Each member shall be available during the hot rod season of March 1st – October 31st.
⦁ As long as the SHRG is in good standing and did not resign, they will get first consideration at being on the team the following year.
⦁ Active Jacketed SHRGs will be considered each calendar year for the team before non-Jacketed members.
⦁ In-active Jacketed SHRGs will be considered for the team each year before public, non-team models.
⦁ Only active SHRGs can purchase the current uniform items of the year.
⦁ The SHRG Jacket shall be authorized to a SHRG team member after 5 shows or specific events as determined by the SHRA Board. – AND – Upon return to the SHRG Team the following year.
ATTENDANCE – Non-Jacketed / Jacketed
⦁ All active, non-jacketed SHRGs will maintain at least 30% event participation for the year. SHRGs that fall below will receive a warning from the SHRA Board. If the percentage fails to rise above minimum standards of the team, the SHRA Board may remove the active non-jacked model for cause.
⦁ Scheduled no-shows will receive warnings from the board if there in just cause to believe it wasn’t excusable. (Reasons may include, death in the family, work call in, sickness etc.) After 3 unexcused no-shows, the SHRA Board may remove the member for cause.
⦁ A 24 hour advance notice required if you cancel your participation in a event you were scheduled for so the team can help find your replacement.
⦁ An SHRG must be at the event for a minimum of 1 hours to receive credit for the event.
⦁ SHRA / SHRG meetings do not count as an event for purposes of calculating participation percentages.
- Jacket SHRGs have no minimum yearly participation requirements
- Jacketed SHRGs have the option to attend or not attend official team events as they wish
⦁ When Seniority is needed to be determined within the team, it will be calculated using the following order: Jacketed Date, Hire Date.
⦁ In the event there is a tie, the next level down shall decide the order.
As per article VIII of the SHRA By-Laws, a Spokane Hot Rod Girl may be removed from the team for the following:
⦁ Non-Jacketed SHRGs may be removed for failure to maintain their SHRA event participation minimum percentage during the current or previous fiscal year.
⦁ Any SHRG may be removed for making public or otherwise available, photos of themselves in uniform and/or representing the SHRA, not in keeping with the conservative image each Spokane Hot Rod Girl has agreed to maintain. Porn or media with SHRA/SHRG brand apparel deemed inappropriate by the SHRA Board, may be cause for removal.
⦁ Any SHRG may be removed for any inappropriate conduct the Board deems to be a conflict of interest with the SHRA and/or the SHRG team.
⦁ While representing the SHRA, SHRGs must maintain a professional, friendly and positive attitude toward the team, the SHRA members and the public.
⦁ Any SHRG may remove themselves from the team by putting in writing (e-mail is ok) stating they would like to be removed from the team. Any Jacketed SHRG members may be placed on inactive status.
⦁ All active SHRG team members agree to be exclusive to the SHRA for the purpose of modeling for automobile groups, clubs, associations and businesses. Exceptions may be approved in writing on a case by case basis by the SHRA Board. Generally, unless it is a professional individual photo shoot, this is viewed as a conflict of interest for all parties involved.
⦁ The SHRA agrees to give exclusive modeling rights to the Spokane Hot Rod Girls team at their SHRA events and sponsor activities.
⦁ Open calls will be scheduled at the needs of the SHRA Executive Board to fill slots on the SHRG team.
⦁ During these open calls, all models will be asked to maintain the SHRG conservative dress standards.
⦁ The amount of SHRG active slots will be decided by the SHRA Board for each calendar year.
I agree to the policies listed above and understand that failure to maintain these standards may be just cause for my removal from the SHRG Team. I further understand that changes in these policies may be authorized by a majority vote from the SHRA Executive Board for the orderly running of the team.
_______________ ________
SHRG Team Member Date
SHRA President