Dreams Do Come True
Yesterday, I was proud to be part of a committee that made someone’s dream come true.
This all started back with us in 2016 at the “Cops and Kids” event where we had the Spokane Hot Rod Girls Model Team working with us as a PR event for the Spokane Hot Rod Association.

Walking through the crowd, shooting photos with cars and people, we just happened to shoot with some kids that evening. Two of the kids were really focusing on the team and how they captured the attention of the crowd in the show.
Shortly after, I received messages from the parents that their daughters were very impressed with the SHRG Team and that they someday wanted to be on the team.
In 2017, the “Cappa Girls” re-appeared at an event we were doing at Scully’s in Deer Park. Of course, we made sure to take the time and have the team shoot with them.

Fast forward to 2023, after putting out the notice for the opportunity to bring in some new team members, we were surprised at who was wanting to apply.
One of the “Cappa Girls” had turned 18 (minimum age requirement for the SHRG Team) and was asking her dad (car guy) about the minimum qualifications, starting the ball rolling with the 4 round selection process.
Making it to round 4 is hard enough, but shooting a public photoshoot with six experienced models, some bystanders and a media production team barking at you is a lot harder than most would want to endure.
Alyssa Cappa went through the photo challenge and the stress test photo shoot at the public car show. She demonstrated her ability to work with the photographer (me) under pressure, handled the stress of the event as a whole and made us believe she was capable of wearing the SHRG uniform and working with the team.
Last night, I had the privilege to tell her she made the team.
This is what it is about. It gives the “model” inspired gals the chance to put the uniform on and be a part of something big in the “model” hot rod community.
It isn’t for everyone. Models come and go. We understand that. But if I can be a part of making someone’s dream come true, as long as they deserve it, I’ll try and help make it happen.
Alyssa is a car girl. Always has been. She is seen in the car community cruising with her parents all the time.
I don’t often do a write up about the new hires, but this story needs to be told for those that might also want to have fun.
Everyone knows what that SHRG Uniform means. She has worked hard and went through the process. Now, we are proud that she can finally wear it.
Congratulations, Alyssa Cappa. From today forward, you’ll have the SHRG in front of your name in our eyes… You’ve earned it.
We present to you all, SHRG Alyssa Cappa