
We believe every car has a personality and a story to tell. Get ready to tell it.

Soon, we’ll be bringing in the Spokane Hot Rod Association‘s Media Production Team to interview, photograph and video selected cars with their owners in a studio environment.

We’ll be on multiple cameras and microphones, filming live and for future SHRA videos. We have started the process to build the Rock Ranch Studio, with plans to build a full white cyc wall and black backdrops with different lighting systems.

From Nikon mirrorless cameras to Rode mics, camera cranes to big screen monitors… we want to give the car owners a chance to do something different with their cars.

From trailer queens to rats, in-progress to finished cars and clubs to individuals… We’re open to it all.

So, keep checking back with the progress on the studio build by going to the Facebook Rock Ranch Studio page and also the new website we’re working on at See you all soon….